Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management

This programmes aims to educate healtcare professionals who can initiate, develop and manage healthcare innovations.
How can we implement homecare technologies effectively and efficiently? How can we optimize the respective involvement of state and private players in healthcare? How best to guarantee universal access to a fair package of health services? And how to maintain quality while containing costs? The key to all these issues is the need for innovation. Gaining new knowledge, applying existing knowledge in a new way, developing new tasks and activities - this program brings together both theory and practice in its focus on innovation. And it does it on all possible levels, from micro -to macro-level, from individual organisations to national and international healthcare systems, from patient relations to the process of caretaking. You learn how to analyse situations in which innovations are needed, come up with innovative solutions, implement and manage these solutions, and critically evaluate and improve them. The programme also emphasises the importance of practical and employability skills, and hands-on training in conducting your own research. This a one-year full-time or two-year part-time program taught in English.
Any questions? Ask our student ambassador on Instagram!

Hoe wordt deze opleiding beoordeeld?

Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?

Deze opleiding
Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management
Landelijke gemiddelde Verschil
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de sfeer op de opleiding.
8.4 8.4 0
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de inhoud van de opleiding, denk bijv. aan het niveau van je opleiding, de aansluiting op je vooropleiding en de kwaliteit van het studiemateriaal.
8.3 8.3 0
Deze opleiding
Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management
Landelijke gemiddelde Verschil
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over docenten, denk bijv. aan de deskundigheid van docenten en de bereikbaarheid en betrokkenheid van docenten.
8.3 8.3 0
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Kom naar de open dag

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences | Campus tour for prospective bachelor's and master's
Tijd: 16:00 - 17:00 uur

Minderbroedersberg 4 tot 6
6211 LK Maastricht

Deze instellingen hebben ook een open dag

Maastricht University - Maastricht

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences | Campus tour for prospective bachelor's and master's
Tijd: 16:00 - 17:00

Maastricht University - Maastricht

Master Open Dag
Tijd: 9:00 - 17:00